Tegalsari Mosque, 1700

Located in village Tegalsari, Jetis, Ponorogo, East Java. This mosque one with pondok pesantren for the width of ± 4500 m². This mosque ancient stills appear in elements and pattern base the building.
  • Around fence and wall 1.5 m and be new fence, original fence collapsed former the foundation. Formerly in gallery foreground of veranda found canal/pool that come from river Keyang at north and west mosque.
  • Veranda ichnograph size parallelogram 13.56 m x 16.20 m in found 12 poles from teak beam. In wall is post inscription restores.
  • Principal space ichnograph rectan size 16.25 m x 16.25 m. In found form pole round 12 poles but found 20 globularity and parallelogram.
  • Mihrab size 206 cm x 130 cm x 217 cm. The curve from leaf motive carved teak and contort rigid. In front of mihrab there pulpit measures 1.85 m x 0.90 m x 2.40 m dresses up ellipse motive, based on angkolade, roset full suluran and arabian calligraphy.
  • Pawestren ichnograph parallelogram measures 8.25 m x 18.42 m.
  • Building roof shaped roof joins with others three. Top formed crock (tempayan) upside down, crucial from teak shingle measures 50 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm.
History aspect of this mosque is begun from village setono, before now shaped forest that opened by two brothers that is Pangeran Sumede and Donopuro for mosque development and pesantren. One of pupil (santri) named Besari from Caruban very clever then made son-in-law by Kyai Nursalim from Mantub Ngasihan. Then Besari given soil by Kyai Donopuro beside east village Setono later on founded mosque and pesantren Tegalsari year 1700.
photo by: mohammad solihin

Building roof shaped roof joins with others three,
top formed crock (tempayan) upside down

Ground the mosque symbolize as old mosque

Found 12 poles from teak beam

Roof of mosque


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